Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We All Need To Hear This.

How many people do you know that have raised themselves from the dead? Me? I know One. The only reason He died in the first place was because of me, my sins. He loves me so much that He was ridiculed, spit upon, beaten beyond all recognition, a crown of thorns was placed on His head to mock Him, and after all of this, He carried His own cross (which was really mine) was nailed to it and hung there to die. What humiliation! He did nothing to deserve any of it, I did. Yet He took my place because He loves me. All of this would be pointless, just another man to die. People die every day. This man was dead for 3 days! But the story wasn’t over yet. He raised Himself from the dead on the third day! He did all this to have a eternal relationship with me. Do you know anyone who can or would do that for you? I know He didn’t do all of this just for me. There’s good news for you. He loves you just as much as He loves me. He died for you just like He died for me. He raised Himself from the dead for you just like He did for me. He is waiting for you. So many of us put our faith and our trust in things and people here on earth, but how many times have those things and people failed us? He will never fail you! He will be there for you for all eternity! Don’t wait! We will all be around for eternity. Where will you be? Forever dying in hell or living forever with a man and God who gave His life for you.